Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Verbal Malevolence on Adjectival Dominion

Driving the desert dry,
Beating the weather down,
Spraying the lamp off,
Singing the blues away,
Eating to forget or
Drinking to desire,
Remembering a curse well spent.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

La Haine

To take a premise,
And multiply it by,
Many times scorn and invective,
Throwing easy banter out the window,
And, verily, caution to the winds.

To plant a wicked laugh,
At varying degrees of Self-Importance,
and Self-Inflation, and Self-Seriousness, and Self-Promotion.
And take a pencil to them,
Underlining their Self-Farce.

To build on a grand tradition of,
Indulgent farts at the Great Table in the Great Hall,
And the cutting jarb at a Dictator at a democratic fundraiser,
And the face-graffiti on drunk and passed-out friends,
And other assorted tom-fooleric absurdity,
That arrives, like it or not,
Straight from the heart.

I sadly am not,
But I wish I was,

Topical and contextual commentary by:
Adam Gopnik
Teju Cole
Slavoj Žižek

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Driven to desire,
by a contretemps compulsion.
Dreamt fanning the embers
of a passion's last hurrah.

Silent, leaping, boundless carcass.
That tooketh thine own mirror,
and shineth upon,
thou sparkling reflection.