Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Do the Russians love their children too?

In the aftermath of a 'surprise' result in the Australian federal elections, and in the wake of long-form comparisons being made between it and the Trump/Brexit debacles in the rest of the Anglophone world, it may be relevant to examine the fault-lines between the 'local' interest and the 'common' interest, and whether one can still support the idea that people can be persuaded, emotionally or otherwise, to vote against their 'own' interests.
In this convoluted mass-media landscape, where partisan-interest-driven scare campaigns prey on the susceptible, and folks are living to a ripe old age even while witnessing and living through cataclysmic changes in local weather patterns and extreme weather events, is the message that most of us seem to invest in de rigueur; about imminent societal collapse and species extinction, actually a lived experience for the wider electorate? When jobs are scarce and 're-training', especially for wizened self-appointed subject matter experts in our rural and regional areas, the only option, can we really not extrapolate the results of what seems to be a self-evident choice, to most of us, of local and federal leadership to the existential concerns of a wide swathe of our fellow citizens?
People get used to a certain way of life; those ways of life involve religion, food, self-defence, sustenance, and kinds of work; those kinds of work have not been subject to a great variation on the use of the basic ready-made cognitive and dexterous tools that most of us are born with and have learned to use functionally for a plethora of tasks at hand, over millennia; only the processes by which we use them have changed over the course of time. Can we really begrudge the person taught from a young age that; they have to be self-reliant; are meant to take advantage of the plentiful, bountiful earth around them; will never fail if they have faith; is duty-bound to resist the encroacher and be suspicious of the foreigner; who has only ever had a liminal understanding of the intersection between infrastructure and policy-making and special interest lobbies and technological disruption, their support of the cautious, limited, unimaginative sceptre of a cowardly political representation that can only reaffirm that uneasiness in the pit of their stomach?
If we are to really be progressive, we have to embrace the conceptual realities of the idea of progress in the case of that seminal and elemental Joe/Jane of the bush. They are alienated from pop-culture discourse. They are only bound to the science of change in so far as they can see it, or smell it, or 'feel' it, whatsoever that may mean to them. This notion of uninformed resistance on the part of neo-luddites, burying their heads in the sand, and tied to the local iterations of their guns and their gods, must end lest we dance with the prospect of mass insurrection and civil strife for generations to come. We cannot let fear dictate our policy, we cannot let misinformation lead us astray from our responsibilities, we cannot let ignorance subsume our hope for a better life in a better world. The sooner we include everyone in a 'common' vision, the faster we will be able to fulfil it. After all, we and Sting do now know that, back in the eighties, the Russians did love their children too.

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